jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

Analog and Antilogs


  • Laundries. Some of them include wash & fold. That service include washing the clothes by cold, warm, or hot water, ironing and folding every piece of laundry. Saves a lot of time, but the price is not very cheap, but is very easy for the user. An example can be seen here.

  • Roomba. It is a robot designed to substitute a vacuum cleaner. Thanks to the success of this product, other companies, like Samsung or LG, now try to develop and sell similar products in this area.
    Is a good option because it is automatic, saves time, and also is not very expensive.


  • DrIron. It was a white good developed by Fagor which dry and iron all clothes. Good idea to avoid ironing, saving time to the customers. But it was a failure because it was very expensive (1800 Euros) and size near 2 meter tall.

  • Disposable clothes.It was something eith linited popularity in the US in the 60s. It's a good idea because it's affordable, and also avoids some problems. Although they were treated for fire and water-resistance, paper dresses required wearers to be constantly on guard against lit cigarettes, spilled cocktails, sudden showers and other hazards. More info can be found here.

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